Monday, November 30, 2009

Now I am ready for Christmas.

I want to list every food item present at my Thanksgiving Meal this year:

1. Turkey
2. Mashed Potatoes (Red Potatoes with chunks still in there - my Favorite)
3. Mashed Yams with Marshmallows on top
4. Cut Yams
5. Fruit Salad
6. Rolls
7. Green Bean Casserole
8. Pink Fluff (a pink whip cream topping)
9. Stuffing (I don't like stuffing)
10. Cranberries
11. Vegetables, Fruit, Crackers and Cheese all served as appetizers
12. Pumpkin and Apple Pie and Ice Cream
13. Ham
14. Gravy
15. Peas

I loved my Thanksgiving Feast... but now I am ready for Christmas music/lights/trees/presents/cheer/colors/etc.


  1. Your thanksgiving feast list made my mouth water, im glad you enjoyed it! and thanks for building up my blogging self esteem em! you're the best :]

  2. Yay Christmas!! And your comment on my song list made me laugh by the way :)
