Saturday, November 14, 2009

I am grateful for...

1. a mom who sends me packages in the mail, full of treats, goodies, and nice notes.
2. a dad who knows how to fix all my computer problems.
3. sisters who listen to my stories and always take my side.
4. a good job where I like the people I work with and can do my homework while there.
5. my warm Ugg boots.
6. my curly hair... I never have to blow dry it, brush it, or really do anything to it.
7. my friends back home and here in Utah.
8. my cell phone.
9. my laptop.
10. my future job, post-grad.
11. my education. AKA BYU.
12. my faith. My Savior.
13. my health.
14. my warm down-comforter.
15. roommates, old and new.
16. friends on missions who write me inspiring letters.
17. sunny and warm days.
18. beautiful snow on the mountains.
19. smiles!

It's been one of those weeks.

I figured writing all the things I am grateful for would change my baditude (bad + attitude = baditude) for the better.

It did...


  1. I'm jealous of your curly hair! I would LOVE to be like you and Ruth and not have to do my hair ever and still have it look really cute.

  2. i love your new blog background! and i love you. i miss talking every night before bed. mostly i just miss you. hope we can play soon! <3
